Mexican Veafood Cocktail

Mexican shrimp cocktail made vegan?! Yes, please! By using jackfruit and just the right amount of seasoning, this dish includes all the right flavors to make that possible. Enjoy an oh-so-tasty, summer-friendly food, while helping the ocean and all our friends in it! What is veafood?! Not sure if I’ve mentioned this to you before,Read more

Chili-Lime Diced Veggie Salad

skip to recipe Whether you’re looking for a yummy salad to bring to the next barbecue or a Mexican-style side dish, this Chili-Lime Diced Veggie Salad is the perfect, yummy choice! Simple and ready in minutes, but with plenty of seasonings to give it a far-from-simple taste! Barbecue season is here, and I don’t knowRead more

Cheezy Dawg Brazilian Bread

I took the American favorite of Pigs in a Blanket and the Brazilian favorite of Pão de Queijo, fused them into one, and made them vegan! Whether you’re gluten free, vegan, or just a fan of good food, you definitely want to try these! Thanksgiving has now passed, but with the oncoming holidays, and football games (or actually basketball —Read more

Nooch & Herb Baby Potatoes

skip to recipe These baby potatoes, crisped up with nooch and Italian seasonings, make a perfect, easy-to-make side dish or bite-sized snack! That nutty, cheezy, nooch flavor will have you craving more and more! A couple of weeks ago, I was talking about some ingredients in a recipe, and my husband had to stop me for a moment to ask, “What’s nooch?!”Read more